Track. Analyze.
Save Energy!

With MeterStats, you’ll have all the tools you need to save money, reduce your carbon footprint, and make your home more energy-efficient.
Start taking control of your energy usage today!

Meter Readings

Add meter readings in a breeze and MeterStats will do the rest for you. You decide how often you add new measurements.

Rich Insights

Easily monitor your energy use and gain valuable insights into your consumption patterns with helpful charts and trend calculations.

Special Events

Experiment with special events to find out what works best for you to reduce energy use without sacrificing comfort.

Multiple Locations

Split readings, events and insights in separate locations to track different residences or former places.


This is a non-comprehensive list of features I plan to add to MeterStats in the future. The ideas are in no particular order.

  • Detailed Consumption Analysis for Event
  • iPad App
  • Reading Reminders
  • iCloud Sync
  • Home Screen Widget
  • German Localization
  • Shortcuts Support
  • Data Import & Export (via Shortcuts)
  • Dark Mode Support

If you have more ideas, please feel free to send me your suggestions.

Press Mentions

“The graphical presentation is easily understandable and offers interesting insights in various tabs.”

Sir Apfelot

“With MeterStats, developer Alexander Käßner has published an app for monitoring energy consumption that takes an interesting approach.”


“The app also has interesting features, such as special Events. In practice, it allows you to test actions - such as adjusting the thermostat by 1ºC, for example - and see the future impact of this on energy consumption.”


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